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We are sure you are already aware of this but thought on the off chance, that we should mention the very special day that is today...It's...

Drumroll please...

National Shrimp Day!...Yay

Today is the day to celebrate the deliciousness of shrimp/prawns. And today in America more shrimp will be consumed than any other day in the year.

Being based in the UK, unfortunately we have over looked this day for to long and so we at PS Pet Tags have decided to created a tag for all those who love shrimp as much as we do.

Slobba gump dog tag

This is the Slobba Gump Dog Tag For Pets. Inspiration for this tag has come from the well known establishment where one might find there famous (and delicious might I ad) shrimp on the menu.

This tag is not only for fans of the shrimp though, people who remember a little movie called Forest Gump might recognize the link here.

Those having no clue as to what I'm talking about may not fear, as many pets have a tendency to over salivate, causing puddles of fresh drool, expertly placed for the unsuspecting human to soak up with their socks.

I've been there, if only there was a tag for that?!

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