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How To Teach A Dog To Sit


Teaching Commands to your dog!


Way before you can even think about teaching your dog complex tricks, there are a few basics every dog and owner should accomplice. They really do help create a successful relationship between human and dog.


You should avoid talking to your dog in forms of questions. Rather, everything should be a command.


You can begin these basic training commands at a very young age, the sooner the better.  

This Blog will describe how to teach your dog to….  


  1. Start this training as soon as possible, the first day isn’t too soon!
  2. Hold a tasty, smelly treat in your hand. Let him have a sniff and get his focus on the treat. Hold the treat above his head so it forces him to look up at the treat. To look up your puppy will most likely sit down. Whilst he is doing so, say the word SIT firmly.
  3. You can encourage your puppy to sit by using your hand and push him into the sitting position very gently.
  4. Remember to reward him for sitting by giving him his treat!
  5. Repeat this several times. However, treats do not need to be used each time. Try using his favourite toy to gain his attention. When he sits, give him subtle praise. You do not want to wind him up, just let him know he has done well.
  6. At the same time as teaching the command SIT, you can also be teaching your puppy your release word. In other words, the word you will say to him so he knows it is okay for him to leave the area. The most popular in OK.
  7. When your puppy is sitting and is calm simply say OK to him.
  8. Remember to always give him some praise after a training session.

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