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What Should I Put on My Pet Dog's ID Tag?


So you have brought your little bundle of joy home and he is settling in with the family nicely. You have got him his own little bowl, bed, lead & collar. The next most important task is to get him a Pet Dog ID Tag. 'I have had him chipped' I hear you say in response to this. Well, the fact that your new pet is chipped doesn't affect the legality of having an ID tag on your pet when out in public. The Control of Dog Act 1992 states that a dog must have a house name & number, postcode and your surname on a tag or collar when out in a public place.

Once you have found your perfect Pet Dog ID Tag here at Pack Shack Pet Tags you are faced with having to decide what information to put on the tag. We offer 4 lines of text with up to 25 characters on each.

Name: This is where many dog owners differ. Some prefer to include the dogs name whereas some prefer to keep this private (some believe that giving the name of the dog can help thieves) and instead include only the family surname. Please bare in mind though The Control of Dogs Order 1992 quoted above.

Address: As mentioned above the very least you should have is your house name & number & postcode. This would be beneficial if your dog is likely to roam the local neighbourhood. People would be able to bring you dog straight back to you without involving any vets or extra costs. Please always remember to update your address should you move.

Phone Numbers: It is best to always include an up to date phone number on the tag so that anyone that finds your dog can contact you immediately. Also bear in mind how contactable you will be on that number. Do you work in an environment which means you can't look at your phone during the day? If so, it may be best to include the number of someone else, a family member for example, who will be contactable throughout the day. A landline & a mobile number is also advisable but again, please remember to update any numbers.

Optional Extras: If there is the space, always include any information that you think is worthwhile for the safety & security of your pet. Does he need medication; is he deaf; does he have food allergies? Information such as this could prove vital in a situation where your pet is in the hands of strangers. You may also wish to include that fact that your pet is chipped. Always remember that a Pet Dog ID Tagis a way of communicating important information on your dogs' behalf. If he was found by a stranger, what would you want him to say to them? It is best to think of your pet ID tag as peace of mind in case somehow you and your pet become separated.

Pet Dog ID Tags these days do not need to be a boring, plain engraved tag. Pet Dog ID Tags can have cool, unique designs which make an ID tag a fashion accessory as well as a safety mechanism.

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