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Spud's Blog - fireworks and pets

Bonfire Night for Pets


Whilst we think of Bonfire Night as something to look forward to and enjoy the many displays of fireworks, our pets think somewhat differently! Aside from having the ability to actually make your pet understand your reassurance that the fireworks are actually very safe, what can you do to make the situation a calmer one for your beloved pets?

If you have a puppy or young dog you are best to start training them early. Get them used to different noise patterns and levels. There are several noise phobia CD’s you can purchase to help you with this. This will help your pet become much less sensitive around loud, unexpected noises.

Drawing the curtains can help your pet as this will shut out any flashes of light from the fireworks.

Put the radio or a CD on. Nothing with too much beat, something that your pet will find calming and relaxing.

Try not to give your dog too much reassurance. Obviously, this is the first thing you want to do but this may be encouraging his reaction. Try to ignore him and let him settle on his own, if possible.

There are several supplementary products out there that could help your pet calm. These include: Kalm Aid, Skullcap and Zylkene.

A lot of people find using a dog appeasing pheromone helpful. Such products release a pacifying pheromone which aids in the removal of chronic and often destructive problems such as separation anxiety, barking, whining, house soiling or excessive licking in adult dogs.

A soothing massage may be just what the doctor ordered for your stressed out pet. A fifteen minute massage a few times a week can work wonders towards relaxing your pet and helping him to feel more relaxed and secure.

Giving your dog a game or task to occupy him can really help. Giving your pet something to chew on can be a highly effective way to relieve canine stress. The simple act of chewing helps to relieve your dog's frustration and keep him occupied so he doesn't get bored and destructive. This will also keep his brain active so he isn’t thinking about the scary fireworks!

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