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the spud life

Spud's Blog - what dogs need

What Do Dogs Actually Need?!


We all love our dogs and it is becoming increasingly more popular to spend on them as if they are a child. But, what actually does your dog need? Does he need a £50 collar and a £30 bowl to eat its food out of?! No!

Dogs need very few things to live a fulfilling and happy life. The first is obviously a safe, warm and loving home. Show me a dog living in a happy home, with a comfy bed and you will be showing me a happy dog. A dog would much rather have companionship and daily cuddles than 100's of expensive toys to occupy them.

Clearly, all dogs need clean, fresh water daily and a good quality food suitable for their individual needs. Raw, tinned or kibble, the choice is ultimately yours. Your dog couldn't care less if he is eating out of a bowl encrusted with diamonds or a £1.00 bowl from your local pound shop. As long as he is getting regular food in front of him, he will be happy!

Exercise is another way of creating a happy dog. Not only does a walk help drain energy, they can also be a bonding exercise for you and your dog. Your dog may need 2 x 20 mins walks or one 2 hour trek. Walk time is such an exciting time for your dog and sticking to a timetable will help keep a balanced doggie.

Whilst your dog may not understand the importance of having a reliable vet (or even enjoy going there!) this is a major factor in helping raise and keeps a healthy dog.

Of course, dogs love their toys but do they really need boxes and boxes full?! You are best to find one or two toys that your dog loves and gets something from (chewing, for example) and replace these once they have become old and tired.

Lastly, all dogs will need a Pet ID Tag when out in a public place. This is legality and you could face a fine of up to £5000 if your pet is caught without one. Don't forget that an Identity Tag is a way of communicating to strangers should your dog ever find himself lost. If could be the difference between your dog being returned to you or your dog not returning home.

photo of lots of PS Pet Tags

Pet ID Tag Showcase

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